
BERRIGHI COSTRUZIONI remains attentive to the improvement of business processes. It manages a quality system in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard and set up its own Social Responsibility Management System, which is inspired by the requirements of the international SA 8000 regulations even though it does not currently enjoy the corresponding certification issued by the accredited bodies.

The legislation (SA 8000), issued for the first time in 1998 by the SAI (Social Accountability International), has as its basis voluntary compliance with the law and aims to promote ethics in the workplace by focusing on a series of requirements such as the guarantee of health and safety, the prohibition of child labour, compliance with minimum wage and work hours in accordance with national regulations and the absence of discrimination of any kind also from suppliers.


BERRIGHI COSTRUZIONI is therefore a guarantor of the absolute respect of these rules both in its own company and in those of its partners and suppliers, committing itself to implement any corrective actions and remediation in the face of any discrepancies.


SOA certificate

The company is the holder of the SOA certification for the OG1 category: V (Civil and industrial buildings) equal to € 5,165,000.00 (therefore with an authorisation up to € 6,198,000.00 due to the 20% increase required by law).

The OG1 category concerns the construction, maintenance or renovation of specific building interventions necessary to carry out any human activity, direct or indirect, complete with the necessary structures, electromechanical, electrical, telephone and electronic systems and finishes of any type as well as any related, complementary and ancillary works. It includes, by way of example, residences, prisons, schools, barracks, offices, theatres, stadiums, buildings for industries, buildings for parking, railway and underground stations, airport buildings and any special artefact in reinforced concrete, simple or prestressed, cast in place such as thin vaults, domes, hanging tanks, silos and buildings of great height with structures of particular characteristics and complexity.


The SOA Certificate is the document, issued by the SOA (Company Bodies of Attestation [1]), which demonstrates the possession of the requirements of article 8 of the Law of 11 February 1994, n. 109. In fact, instead of registering with the National Constructors’ Register (which has been abolished for some time) and under the public procurement rules, the SOA Certificate is a necessary document to prove the company’s ability to support every public supply and installation contract with auction amount above € 150,000.00 (whether contracted or subcontracted).

The SOA certification qualifies the company to execute contracts for categories of works and classifications of amounts, as well as to participate in tenders with amounts equal to the relative ranking, increased by 20%. The ranking of amounts is commensurate with the economic and technical capacity of the company.


The possession of the UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Certification is a requirement, but it is also a mandatory condition for obtaining attestation classifications above € 516,000.00.

[1] The Companies Certification Bodies (SOA) are bodies governed by private law with the legal form of SpA, authorised by the Authority for the supervision of public works, which ascertains the existence of the qualifying elements in the public works executors, or the conformity of the requirements with the Community provisions on the qualification of those performing the public works, summarised in the regulation for the qualification system.